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    Profile photo of Zenield

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    <b>Is Vitamin E Good for smokers?</b> Smokers need more vitamin E. It has been known for some time that cigarette smoking reduces blood levels of vitamin C, and it also appears to sap folate levels, but the data were less clear on vitamin E.
    <b>Is Zyban and Wellbutrin the same thing?</b> Although ZYBAN is not indicated for treatment of depression, it contains the same active ingredient as the antidepressant medications WELLBUTRIN, WELLBUTRIN SR, and WELLBUTRIN XL.
    <b>What is tobacco dependence?</b> Nicotine dependence ― also called tobacco dependence ― is an addiction to tobacco products caused by the drug nicotine. Nicotine dependence means you can’t stop using the substance, even though it’s causing you harm. Nicotine produces physical and mood-altering effects in your brain that are temporarily pleasing.
    <b>How many cigarettes are safe in a day?</b> You know smoking is bad for you, but does smoking one a day or ten a day make a difference? A new study by the National Cancer Institute found that people who smoked on average less than one cigarette per day still had a 64 percent higher risk of early death.
    The black and white photo was taken by 19th century engineer Washington Teasdale of himself sitting in front of Kirkstall Abbey, north-west of Leeds city centre, in 1883. It could be one of the first selfies. A documentary about the Bronx airs on HBO. And a Canadian sketch-comedy show returns on IFC. The TV personality, 30, was joined by her partner Joe Swash, 37, for the sweet sunset snap before the fivesome enjoyed a meal overlooking the beach.

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